Voices & Choices: A Recap of 20 Inspiring Interviews

August 7, 2024

When we started the Voices and Choices interview series, our goal was clear: to share tech leaders' insights on the future of work, the latest technologies, career tips, and productivity strategies. We've now reached a major milestone with 20 interviews completed.

At Velory, we recognize how the work environment is constantly evolving. Through our Voices & Choices series, we connect with top leaders from various industries by asking them seven simple questions. These interviews offer quick, valuable insights into the strategies and trends shaping the future of work, as well as the best practices of these tech leaders who have achieved significant milestones in their careers.

Engaging with Industry Leaders - A Quick Recap

Over the past year, we've interviewed 20 remarkable leaders, including CEOs, founders, investors, and entrepreneurs. Here are some key topics we've covered:

  • Optimizing productivity: Leaders shared their top strategies for increasing efficiency and achieving goals.
  • Remote work: We explored best practices for managing and collaborating within remote teams.
  • The power of AI: Leaders discussed their views on integrating artificial intelligence and its potential to streamline workflows and empower employees.
  • Future-proofing skills: The interviews highlighted the skills that will be most in demand in the coming years.
  • Innovation: We talked about the effective strategies for fostering creativity and driving innovation within teams.
  • Career advice: Leaders offered advice for those starting their professional journeys.
  • Onboarding new employees: Leaders shared insights on creating a smooth and informative onboarding experience for new hires.

From these interviews, we have engaged with nearly 11 CEOs, Minister of Health & Public Digitization, as well as investors and managers. You can read their detailed interviews here.

One of the most exciting aspects has been the valuable lessons we've learned. For example, Peder Linder, in his interview, shared some particularly interesting advice: "Be willing to make a fool out of yourself and accept that you may not seem to be on top of things. Adopt a growth mindset and understand that you and the way you do things will improve over time."

Another piece of advice we found particularly useful came from Julian Lee, the founder of Airmee, regarding the ideal onboarding experience for new employees. He emphasized the importance of extreme clarity on what new hires will be measured on, how they can achieve those goals, and the expected speed of execution. And, he also highlighted the necessity of creating a welcoming environment where employees feel comfortable making mistakes as they learn and adapt.

Voices & Choices has come a long way

By featuring top leaders and sharing their insights and choices, the series helps people understand their achievements and methods more easily. Our goal is to spark impactful conversations about the future of work. We are excited to continue the series, share valuable insights from our interviews, and empower individuals and organizations to adapt in the workplace. Also, we have decided to spotlight Velory employees to provide a deeper understanding of our company as well.