
Under the legal section you will find information about our terms of use, how we use and process data and more. If you have an additional legal query, or wish to speak with our legal team, you can email us at

Terms of use

What do I buy, what do I get? Is it edible? Can I share it with others? Here you have our terms of use, designed to ensure that our platform, portal and services stay enjoyable for everyone forever.

Privacy policy

Velory is committed to your privacy. Here you find a clear explanation of how we collect, use, disclose, transfer, and store our information. For your eyes only ;)

Quality policy

Quality is key, king, a philosophy, definitely better than quantity, and everyone's responsibility. And of course, we have a policy for it. Read here to see how we value our customers and strive to be as brilliant as possible.

Cookie policy

Cookies enable us to deliver services to you and authorise the website's correct functionality. Want to know more? Click here to see how our cookies crumble!

Terms & Conditions

We get it—legal texts can be a bit dry. But stick with us, and you’ll give your employees a smooth, hassle-free way to choose their hardware, while you, the employer, enjoy less admin work and better control over your assets. Take a quick spin through these T&Cs so we can keep everything running seamlessly and efficiently together.

Get started with Velory

Schedule a 30-minute call with our team of experts. They will show how the different solutions at Velory can be tailored for your company's needs, from streamlining your IT workflows to empowering your employee with freedom of choice, thanks to our integrated hardware store.

A selection of our partners