Onboarding & Offboarding

Velory offers an employee experience extraordinaire built to enable a smooth onboarding and efficient offboarding of your company's employees.

Smooth Employee Onboarding

Improve your company's employee onboarding with Velory. Our platform ensures a smooth and engaging onboarding journey, guiding new hires, through a personalised process, to the IT work tools they need to be productive from day one.

Efficient Offboarding

Velory makes employee offboarding into a seamless and efficient process. Ensure a smooth transition for departing employees by managing access, retrieving IT assets, and maintaining compliance. With Velory, offboarding becomes a well-orchestrated process, leaving a positive last impression on existing team members.

Personalised Employee Portal

Provide employees with personalised portal to manage and buy their IT work equipment. From day one, new hires are greeted with tailored information, resources, and introductions, raising sense of belonging. Meanwhile, leaving employees receive a curated exit experience, ensuring a smooth departure.

Get started with Velory

Schedule a 30-minute call with our team of experts. They will show how the different solutions at Velory can be tailored for your company's needs, from streamlining your IT workflows to empowering your employee with freedom of choice, thanks to our integrated hardware store.

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